The National Foundation for Transplants helps patients navigate the transplant process and raise money to pay for the procedure, including pre- and post-transplant care (even with the best insurance, patients must raise an average of $50,000 to qualify for the procedure). NFT is currently undergoing an internal reorganization and needed to change the way they operated on a fundamental level. Instead of focusing on helping individual patients fundraise for their treatment, NFT needed to now focus on raising money on an organizational level, where funds could then be distributed based on need.
From a practical standpoint, this meant completely scrapping all of their marketing materials and building an entirely new brand language. It also meant retraining internal staff and introducing themselves to a much larger market. And that's exactly what we did. Post-launch, traffic and engagement are up dramatically and donations have increased 45% year-over-year.
After interviewing patients, social workers and staff, we threw out all existing copy and imagery and I built the sitemap and information architecture from the group up in a way that matched how patients actually looked for information. I also worked with our client to streamline the ways in which they asked for help by prioritizing one-time donations and eliminating links to seldom-used campaigns.
I worked directly with the lead art director on the account to consult on how best to showcase the new branding digitally and how to structure content to work for patients who are often in a crisis environment when searching for information about how they're going to be able to afford that procedure that will save their life.
As part of the ongoing effort to be more patient-focused, I also am leading the team that is currently bringing a paper and pencil application and fundraising process online. The entire application process can now be completed online and we're adding tools to allow patients to request funding and using form logic to cut down on simple data-entry errors that have, in the past, been a major source of delays in patients receiving their funds.
To help facilitate cross-department collaboration, I worked with creative and the development team assigned to the project to facilitate a development handoff exercise that included a wrking session to determine asset nomenclature and a more robust style guide.